Wednesday 24 November 2010

CA peer network morning

Enclosed are your thoughts on 'people you'd like to meet' and 'people you think we should meet'.  Brioche bread is included to add context and continuity.  Food for thought.

Please do use your peer groups, or other CAs to suggest ideas, people to invite next time, support each other generally - I'm looking forward to seeing feedback regarding discussion that happened on tables, and will email out as quickly as possible

Thank you to everyone who gave me feedback (all positive so far!) on the way the morning ran.  I'd really appreciate more comments on the format, the debate, the lasagne, captain adorable, peer network groups, anything.  Also for May, ideas on how or what we do, based loosely on inviting some people in and talking to them gratefully appreciated.  If anyone wishes to co-facilitate, or just plain facilitate, please put yourselves forward.

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