Wednesday, 15 July 2015

Travel to Swanshurst School

Swanshurst school enrichment day is about 'equipping our girls with the skills they need to be happy, successful, confident young women who have the desire and resilience to go to University or pursue a career or vocation and be the best they can be'.

I was happy to volunteer, working alongside others from Swan Corner Community Group, Commando Joe, Riverside Performing Arts and others.

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Learning twitter from the masters

I'd moved on to answering emails, when Chris Addison's voice came on the headphones.  Beyond enjoying the familiar dulcet tones, I wasn't really thinking about it until I heard him say, 'School careers advice is rubbish, and university careers advice is worse'.  Now being in the business of supporting careers advisers, this got me interested.